Training Platform
"We increased net interest margin by about 100 basis points in just one year"
We never even dreamed we could get a net interest margin over 6.0. We increased a net interest margin by about 100 basis points in just one year. It`s just like you said – the A+ credits now bring in A+ credits… and don`t expect us to match pricing.”
K. BECKEMEYER | CEO - Legence Bank
"We've grown from $264 to $555 million- an annual compounded growth rate of 11%"
In the last six years of working with you, we’ve grown from $264 to $555 million-an annual compounded growth rate of 11%, revenue grew from $12.2 million to $25 million, our employee engagement index is strong. Our net Promoter Score is 9.04. The annual strategic plans have really helped us stay focused. The key initiatives and key indicators we developed to measure our progress are extremely valuable to our senior management team.”
P.TIESKOETTER | President and CEO - Eastwood Bank
“We raised Net Interest Margin by 52 Basis Points""
We grew 21 percent while decreasing FTEs by 11 percent and raising net interest margin 52 basis points since working with you. 100 percent of our new loan customers are referrals from current customers or centers of influence. Not a week goes by when I don’t get a call from a client complimenting my staff. I don’t even remember it happening before we made this shift. Our top 100 customers are sending business our way, and we’re not really having to work hard to get new business. And our lenders don’t even try or ask to meet the pricing of the competition. They know they’re worth more. A few years ago, they wouldn’t have believed they were worth the extra money.”
K. MILLER | President and CEO - The Farmers Bank
“If you're not working with The Emmerich Group yet,
you should be!"
I’ve been fighting with how to do a call program for 20 years… people just go out and try to stick their head in the door to get a name on the list so they don’t look bad when they come in to the call meeting, but there was never really a way to measure the effectiveness of the calls. This ACES process does that. It was like the lights went off. I can’t wait to see where we are six months from now.”
K. BURGESS | Chairman - FirstCapital Bank of Texas
“The Emmerich Group system works"
I’ve always said that if our competitors got ahold of The Emmerich Group’s information, we’d be in trouble. Fortunately, we found her first. The Emmerich Group system works-especially during times like these.”
ATUBBS | CEO - Ohnward Bancshares and Past President of American Bankers Association
“We are experiencing our most profitable year
on record"
Before The Emmerich Group we had lost direction. We knew we needed growth and a culture shift. Since joining The Emmerich Group, our deposits are up 22%, our customer satisfaction rating is 9.90 out of 10, and we are experiencing our most profitable year on record. This is the best investment we’ve ever made.”
J. BURNETT | CEO - Libertyville Savings Bank
“Using the Thank God It's Monday! Approach...
we exceeded many of our goals by 100 percent!"
In less than two years using the Thank God It’s Monday! Approach, we not only met EVERY goal in ALL our branches, but we exceeded many of our goals by 100 percent! I can’t imagine any CEO who wouldn’t want this for their organization. Return on assets blew us away, especially with all the growth. We had a $30 million growth in first quarter and we’re only a $220 million bank, which is unbelievable.”
C.HOFFMAN | CEO and President - Richwood Banking Company
“We've doubled in size and profits
in just a few short years!"
Our bank was a lazy underperformer until we discovered the Thank God It’s Monday!® process. Since our kick off, we’ve doubled in size and profits in just a few short years! The most important transformation though is that our people now
expect to have a ball and to create success for themselves and the bank”
A.MCDONNELL JR | President and CEO - Citizens National Bank
"We've grown from $264 to $555 million- an annual compounded growth rate of 11%"
In the last six years of working with you, we’ve grown from $264 to $555 million-an annual compounded growth rate of 11%, revenue grew from $12.2 million to $25 million, our employee engagement index is strong. Our net Promoter Score is 9.04. The annual strategic plans have really helped us stay focused. The key initiatives and key indicators we developed to measure our progress are extremely valuable to our senior management team.”
P.TIESKOETTER | President and CEO - Eastwood Bank

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Start your week with a dose of Thank God It’s Monday® wisdom from Roxanne Emmerich every Monday morning.

The best way to understand what’s possible for your business when you create a Thank God It’s Monday® culture is to hear from others who’ve already done it.
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